All Classes Need To Be Pre-Booked (book online
General Studio Policies
- Book your class on the website or Wellness Living App.
- Let us know if you will miss a class and you can make up the class another day of the week within the session (you can use the wellness living app or call us with 12 hours notice).
- 12 hours is needed to credit you for a missed class. Without this you will be charged for the missed class.
- Want to book a session but know you will miss a few weeks? Wellness living will let you purchase only the classes you want to attend in a session.
- Class offerings with less than 3 students enrolled may be cancelled or rescheduled prior to the second week of a session.
- Class placement is at the discretion of the instructor.
Pilates Classes (Apparatus and Mat)
- Pilates classes run on a 10-week session with a SET start and end date.
- Missed classes with 12 hours’ notice need to be used during the 10-week session.
Partnership Classes (Essentrics, TRX, Fascia Release)
- Classes run on a 10-week session with a SET start and end date based on the first day you attend class.
- Missed classes with 12 hours’ notice need to be used during the 10 weeks after your first class date.
Studio Procedures
- Arrive on time for class. The front door is locked during class so let someone know if you are running late.
- Let us know of any physical changes prior to class (limitations, injuries, pregnancy etc.)
- Coats and boots are left in the foyer, purses and bags may be brought into the class space, there is room on the shelves for your valuables.
- Masks are used at your own discretion.
- Cell phones should be off, on silent or do not disturb.
- After class sanitize your mat, apparatus and equipment.
- Book your class on the website or Wellness Living App.
- Let us know if you will miss a class and you can make up the class another day of the week within the session (you can use the wellness living app or call us with 12 hours notice).
- 12 hours is needed to credit you for a missed class. Without this you will be charged for the missed class.
- Want to book a session but know you will miss a few weeks? Wellness living will let you purchase only the classes you want to attend in a session.
- Class offerings with less than 3 students enrolled may be cancelled or rescheduled prior to the second week of a session.