Kathy has over 50 years experience as a dance teacher and fitness instructor and has been teaching Pilates for over 22 years. She is a graduate of Dianne Miller Pilates Centre in Vancouver, Core Dynamics of Santa Fe and has Mat and Standing Pilates Certification from the Physicalmind Institute of New York and Canada.
Kathy is Saskatchewan’s only teacher with “PMA Pilates Gold Certified” accreditation through the Pilates Method Alliance (now called NCPT-Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher) and is a Pilates for Golf Conditioning Specialist. Kathy also holds TRX Suspension certification, TKM Ball Release, Kit Laughlin, Forever in Motion and Bone-Fit training. She has just completed the Erik Franklin Embodiment in Pelvic Fascia Training. She holds the prestigious NCPT ( Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher)
Kathy completed a new program with the NBS and Baycrest Health Sciences Center on Teaching Dance for Older Adults with Dementia. Her involvement with dance has her as the current President of Dance Saskatchewan and the Canadian co-chair for daCi ( dance and the Child International)